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SMSC and British Values

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)

The aims of our SMSC programme are:

  • to ensure pupils’ education is holistic rather than focussed narrowly on purely academic aspects of learning.
  • to provide pupils with a rounded education, including learning how to work and play together, understanding and respecting others’ points of view, respecting and applying rules and understanding why these exist. 
  • to prepare pupils to contribute to society and culture throughout their lives, and enable them to participate actively and positively in the life of the school, their local community and wider society.
  • to encourage pupils to value themselves and their unique contributions to their own and others’ lives, and in turn to value and celebrate others and their qualities and abilities.  

British Values Statement

The Department for Education state that there is a need

“to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

At Godmanchester Bridge Academy, these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways:


Democracy is embedded at our school. Pupils are listened to by adults and are taught to actively listen to one another, respecting the right of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard. Pupils have the opportunity to share opinions and ideas through the School Council and  pupil voice questionnaires. Elections of the School Council members are based solely on pupil votes after each child has shared their manifesto with their class. This was designed to reflect the British electoral system.

The Rule of Law

The importance of laws, whether they are those that govern the school or the country, are consistently reinforced. The school expectations are regularly discussed with children and worded to reflect their age and level of understanding. This ensures that they are relevant and clearly understood by all. Our pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, the responsibility they have to uphold them and that there are consequences when laws are broken. 

Individual Liberty

Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe environment. Our children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely through many curriculum subjects, particularly in PSHE and e-safety lessons. Some pupils will be able to take responsibility for particular roles and to understand that with certain rights comes a level of responsibility. Learning to do things independently is an important part of learning to understand yourself.  We support others by participating in charitable events such as, Red Nose Day, Comic Relief and Children in Need.   We believe that engendering a caring and helpful environment and to be independent can boost and nurture a healthy self-esteem.

Mutual Respect

Respect is an important value to the children and staff of our school, and it is deeply embedded in learning and behaviour. Children understand that it is expected and that it is imperative that respect to shown to everyone, whatever differences we may have, and to everything, however big or small. It underpins our work every day, both in and out of the classroom. We promote each pupil’s inclusion in activities by ensuring that they are appropriate to their individual needs. We believe it is important to facilitate opportunities to be part of the community as the pupils, families and staff have much to offer in the development of community cohesion.

Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs

We are part of a school and local community where each person is respected and valued equally without regard to ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. Cultural appreciation and development forms part of our curriculum. We place great emphasis on providing encounters and participation in events and celebrations to broaden all pupils’ experiences and awareness of others.Our Assemblies help all pupils to find out about themselves and others linking their lives to the communities in which they belong.