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Emotional Wellbeing

What is emotional wellbeing and why is it so important?

The Department for Education (DFE) recognises that

"in order to help their pupils succeed, schools have a role to play in supporting them to be resilient and mentally healthy".

The Department for Education (DFE)

Here at Godmanchester Bridge Academy we adopt a whole school approach where all staff value and recognise the need to promote positive mental health and wellbeing in every child. We place great value on developing the whole child-academically, socially and emotionally. 

The skills needed throughout life can be taught and learnt at any age. All aspects of a child and young person's experience, in and out of school, contribute to their personal and social development and, as a school, we feel it is important that we share that role with parents, carers and families.

All teachers are aware of and in tune to the emotional needs of their class with an acknowledgement that emotional times may happen for children for different reasons. 

Our PSHE curriculum covers emotional wellbeing which is divided into key areas. 

Myself and My Relationships

Beginning and belonging, Family and friends, My emotions

Healthy and Safer Lifestyles

My body and growing up, Keeping safe, Personal safety, Healthy lifestyles, Managing change, Managing risk.

If you feel you need support please contact the school office ( or Ms Pirrie.

Please find below some useful links for parents and carers.