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The Godmanchester Bridge Academy Curriculum

At Godmanchester Bridge Academy, we continuously take the time to develop our curriculum to ensure that children experience a broad and balanced learning journey which provides an understanding of the world. Our curriculum intends to inspire and engage our children and prepare them for life-long learning.

Our vision for our current curriculum design is to develop independent, resilient and confident learners who are equipped for the next stage in their learning journey.

Godmanchester Bridge Academy values the acquisition of knowledge and skills equally, complemented with rich experiences and application to provide an all-round broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. Our children learn the individual disciplines of each subject whilst linking these, wherever appropriate and relevant, to the themes and topics threaded throughout each term. We enjoy providing children with memorable learning experiences and layering the learning. We embed and build on knowledge and skills year on year using high quality pedagogical methods.

We pride ourselves on working closely together with parents/carers, partner schools and the local community so that our children receive an inspirational education that they enjoy and fosters life-long learning.  Through effective working partnerships, we endeavour for our children to achieve their fullest potential whilst at our school.

The core purpose of our vision for learning is to equip our children with a natural desire to be the best they can possibly be. To be prepared for the future by developing their personal and academic skills whilst instilling a sense of readiness, responsibility, respect, resilience and reflectiveness.

The Bridge Blueprint outlines the GBA approach to teaching and learning and what children, parents and staff can expect from the school.


Curriculum Content

You can also download details of the content for each class by visiting the class pages, where you will find our termly curriculum updates. 

If you require any further information please contact the School Office.

Phonics and Spelling

Phonics is an essential part of early reading and is taught using the Read Write Inc programme from Reception through to Year 2. Read Write Inc Spelling is used to support the teaching of spelling from Year 2 onwards.


In Key Stage 1, children choose from carefully selected, progressive books, banded by RWI level. Our children read regularly with adults in school and parents/carers are strongly encouraged to support the development of reading through regular practise at home.

In Key Stage 2, children use Accelerated Reader to support their home reading.