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ACES Academies Trust


Godmanchester Bridge Academy follows the LA (Local Authority) admissions policy, and has a catchment area defined as the parish of Godmanchester.  If you require further information on this admissions policy, please consult either the school office or the LA. The contact details for the LA Admissions team are tel: 0345 045 1370, and email

This is the link to the Local Authority Admissions page

Apply for a school place | Cambridgeshire County Council

Godmanchester Bridge Academy (GBA) currently has an admission number of 30 for entry into Foundation Year (EYFS). 

Admission Criteria

  1. Children in Care, also Looked After Children (LAC), and children who were looked after but ceased to be so by reason of adoption, a resident order or a special guardianship order.
  2. Children living in the catchment area with a sibling at the school at the time of admission.
  3. Children living in the catchment area.
  4. Children living outside the catchment area who have a sibling at the school at the time of admission.
  5. Children living outside the catchment area who have been unable to gain a place at their catchment area school because of oversubscription.
  6. Children who live outside the catchment area, but nearest the school as measured by a straight line.

In cases of equal merit in each set of criteria, priority will go to children living nearest the school as measured by a straight line.

The LA apply distance criteria in situations of over subscription.