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Part of
ACES Academies Trust

Local ​Governing Committee

The Local Governing Committee

The responsible authority of Godmanchester Bridge Academy is the board of trustees of The ACES Academies Trust. Responsibilities are delegated to the Local Governing Committee in line with the Trust Scheme of Delegation.

Our LGC is made up of three types of governor: staff elected, parent elected and community governors. 

The LGC must have a good balance of experience and the skills required to monitor and support a school's performance and to make evidence-based strategic decisions. The LGC act in the following ways: 

  • Together with the Headteacher, they are responsible for making sure our school provides good quality education.
  • They provide challenge and support to the Headteacher and the Leadership team, drawing on their knowledge and experience outside of the school environment.
  • They report on school achievements and respond to inspection recommendations.
  • They hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints.
  • They ask searching questions and act as a “critical friend” to the school leadership team.

Godmanchester Bridge Academy Local Governing Committee

Governor Term Expires Role

Caroline Crowther-Light

August 2027

Chair of Governors

Carl Miller

Nov 2027

Parent Governor

Jackie Woodward March 2027 Governor
Phillip Dirisu Nov 2025 Parent Governor
Matthew Kelly Dec 2027 Parent Governor
David Keating Dec 2027 Governor
Sarah Wilson July 2028 Governor
Deni Butterfield July 2028 Governor
Claire Pirrie   Headteacher
Vicky McAuley Eccles Sept 2026 Staff Governor

For more information about the Local Governing Committee, please consult the clerk via e-mail:

The Local Governing Committee meets at regularly points across the school year. Minutes of all meetings are available in school.

If you would like to contact our Chair of Governors, Caroline Crowther-Light, please email