Remote Learning
Daily activities will be posted on Class Dojo and/or SeeSaw by class teachers.
Documents providing additional activities and links to websites can be found below:
Website Links (all titles are hyperlinked)
Questr: active English games for parents and children.
PhonicsPlay: Phonics games and activities. Login using username: march20 and password:home for free access.
Alphablocks: Fun and friendly phonics videos by the BBC
Pobble: a daily stimulus picture with questions, story starters and sentence challenges.
Mathletics: maths activities and games linked to taught units
TTRockstars: times tables practice (login required)
White Rose Maths: tutorial videos and activities linked to primary maths following the system we use in school.
Corbettmaths: videos and activities linked to primary maths, most suitable for KS2.
Numberblocks: Number based videos from the BBC
Mystery Science: a range of fun and engaging science lessons (please note this website uses US grades).
Blockly: play the games to learn computer programming skills
Typing Club: a free website where children can learn to touch type.
The Body Coach TV: Join Joe Wicks for a daily 30 minute workout - PE with Jo.
Succeed in PE: active games and ideas to play at home.
Supermovers: a range of videos to get you moving.
Cosmic Yoga: yoga videos for children to follow and join in with.
World Geography Games: a range of games testing your knowledge of world geography.
Well Being and Enrichment
The Great Indoors: The Scout Association have created a bank of activities (with instructions) that can be done indoors. Lots of great ideas for all of the family
Pen and Paper Games: Simple pen and paper games to play in small groups or as a family.
Radio Blogging: daily radio shows with interactive activities to keep you busy and engaged.